The RMS Carpathia was a ship in the film Titanic an ocean liner owned by the Cunard Line, built in 1901. She is most famous for rescuing survivors of the sunken RMS Titanic. She was hailed by the Titanic's radio operators and was the closest ship to respond to her distress call. Being about 58 miles away when she began heading for the Titanic with her crew pushing the engines to their maximum and achieving a record speed (for her, anyway) of 17 knots, the Carpathia arrived about 1 hour and 40 minutes after the Titanic sank. She was signaled to early on the morning of April 15, 1912 by Fifth Officer Harold Lowe with a green flare. When the Carpathia stopped, she picked up 13 of Titanic's lifeboats, and 706 survivors. Carpathia’s captain and crew, as well as the ship herself, later received a reward from Titanic survivor Margaret Brown as thanks for their efforts.
In deleted scenes, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, Archibald Gracie, Harold Lowe and Joseph Bruce Ismay are seen among the survivors. Carpathia is last shown in the film sadly carrying her passengers past the Statue of Liberty into New York.
The RMS Carpathia sadly met her fate during the First World War (WWI) when she was sunk in 1918 by a German U-boat firing three torpedoes at her.
External links[]
RMS Caparthia on Wikipedia